Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Summer of the Spica Cast

It is crazy how quickly the past 6 weeks have flown.  It has been a truly enjoyable summer, spica cast and all.  In true Henry fashion, it hasn't slowed him down or kept him from doing anything he wanted.  Luckily, it was a mild summer, often with highs barely up to 80 degrees, so there hasn't been as much swimming and water play.  This meant Henry rarely had to do something different than his brothers.  It also kept his cast from itching as much.  ;)

As we prepare to meet again with Henry's doctor to get the cast "off", we thought we would share some of Henry's summer highlights.

Annual PFFD Picnic
We were so excited that we were home from Baltimore in plenty of time to join and enjoy the annual local PFFD and Limb Deficiency picnic.  This year, like last, the picnic was at a park only about 15 minutes from our home.  It was such a beautiful afternoon, and it was so wonderful to connect again with families who share the PFFD story.  It was also great to meet some more families.

We learned a new game from Sweden, discussed specialists at Children's and around the country, shared a delicious meal, splashed in the splash pad, sat on a fire truck, climbed the playground, and had a ton of fun.  Our whole family looks forward to this day each summer.  Thank you Joann and all of her helpers for organizing a fabulous event.  Thanks also to the Loveland Fire Dept. for bringing their trucks over and treating each of our kids like stars.

And he can dance!
Henry didn't just sit around, he danced!  I love this moment caught on tape dancing to Michael Jackson.  My favorite part is the moves at the end.  Note how the way his cast is keeps his leg straight up.

Dancing, spica cast style!

Riding bikes and cars and throwing balls
One of our favorite things to do on a nice day is to go out front and ride bikes with all of the neighborhood kids.  They also play ball.  Henry joined right in.  He figured out how to sit so he could drive his brother's little powered Nascar 88 car, sat uncomfortably on a tricycle I pushed around, and stood anchoring his short leg on his walker to throw the ball.

He loves playing with his brothers and his friends.  And he wouldn't miss out on any chance to play ball with his dad.

Henry is just one of the boys of summer.

Just Having Fun!
One of the best parts about Henry is that he enjoys and loves life.  If there is fun to be had, he doesn't let a little pain or a cast or a shorter leg or anything keep him from having fun.

We are grateful that Henry only needs Tylenol every couple of days for the pain.  He is ready to get that cast off and show his doctor just what he can do!

At a favorite local park.

We were so lucky to have Henry's Horton cousin come down to Cincy to hang with us.  We had an awesome time with him exploring COSI Science Museum in Columbus.

COSI has a climbing wall.  Henry wants to go back and conquer it after the cast comes off.

Back another day to Pine Hill Park.

We went down to Bengals Training Camp Family day.  Henry got to meet 4 players and get their autograph.  Who Dey!
Henry showing off his Super Hero cape.  He really is my hero and my inspiration.

Finally, we want to thank all of you again for keeping our family in your thoughts and prayers, for the many times you ask how Henry is doing, and for the different ways you have helped us along this journey.  This journey is not over, but we feel truly blessed by the community supporting us and how well Henry is doing physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  THANK YOU!

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